
Director. Producer. Painter.  

Born in Mexico City

Grew up in Las Vegas

Live in Los Angeles.


October 2022 - Presencia de Arte Mexicano en Suiza in Schloss Schadau, Switzerland


American Film Institute Producing Fellow, 2015.
**Recipient of the Jeffrey Katzenberg Fellowship Award  +  Fellowship Award
**Recipient of the AFI scholarship

UNLV graduate w/ BA in FILM, 2013.  
**Recipient of the Inaugural Johnny Brenden Filmmakers Award
**Recipient of the Millenium Scholarship


J'adore:  film. art. oat lattes. coconuts. polaroids. magazines. lipstick. frozen grapes. ranunculus flowers.  mes amis et ma famille. bubbles. coincidences. lounging in the element. laughing till my stomach hurts. lollipops. coffee table books. dancing to rad musique. bumping into friends i haven't seen in a while. anecdotes. smell of rain and fresh cut grass. random dance parties at ateliers. painting. my dog. meeting new people. 

C O N N E C T. P R O V O K E. I N S P I R E. E N G A G E. S H A R E. L O V E. A D M I R E. S U R R E N D E R. L I V E.